Workshop 2: Advanced Techniques and Recent Developments in Distance Sampling
The advanced distance sampling workshop will include advanced treatment of: incorporating covariates in detection function modelling, analyses in which detectability on the transect line is not assumed to be perfect (the so-called g(0) problem) and density surface modelling (also known as spatial modelling). We also devote a day to data analysis using a number of R packages we have developed, ranging from basic line transect analysis to advanced topics dealing with intermittent animal availability and density gradients in the vicinity of the transect.
The aim of this workshop is to bring participants up to date with the latest developments in distance sampling methods and software. It is also an opportunity for those actively engaged in the design, analysis and execution of distance sampling surveys to discuss common issues and problems, and set future research directions.
The workshop will be a combination of lectures and computer sessions, with considerable time for discussion.
The workshop will begin at 09:00 on Monday 26th, with registration at CREEM from 08:30 and will finish at lunch time on Thursday, 29th.
Intended participants
The workshop is intended for scientists who already have experience with distance sampling methods. We anticipate a mix of biologists and applied statisticians. To gain maximum benefit from the workshop, biologists and ecologists should have some quantitative training, including basic statistical methods, survey design and “conventional” distance sampling theory.
We will assume that participants are familiar with PCs running Microsoft Windows. Participants are welcome bring their own portable computers (see Information for participants for minimum requirements). Familiarity with the software Distance (version 4 or later) would be an advantage, but is not essential.
We stress that this course is not intended for those starting out with distance sampling; in this case we recommend attending the three day workshop held immediately prior to this one. There is almost no overlap in content between workshops and we anticipate many participants will wish to take both. If you are in any doubt which of the workshops is more suitable for you, we urge you to contact the workshop instructors to discuss your requirements.
Materials provided
The following publications and software will be provided to participants at no additional cost.
- Advanced Distance Sampling. S.T. Buckland, D.R. Anderson, K.P. Burnham, J.L. Laake, D.L. Borchers and L. Thomas. (Editors) Oxford University Press, 2004.
- Lecture notes containing all of the overheads and slides shown during the workshop. This material supplements and extends the distance sampling text book.
- Distance and R software.